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Our New Website is Now Live!


Jan 31, 2022

Difenda is pleased to announce that our new and improved website is live! We have made changes big and small in order to better serve your needs. As we continue on our mission to change the game in cybersecurity, we know how important it is to educate our community by providing real-time critical information, resources and product solutions within easy reach. 

 Delivering solutions around cybersecurity is in itself a complex message to communicate. Our new website is helping to clearly articulate what we do; how we do it; and the value which we can bring to our partners and customers.

Derek Nugent, Vice President of Sales and Marketing

To that end, we’ve added a brand new resource library and VIP access to threat intelligence directly from the front lines. In addition to a complete product solution page makeover, there’s a whole host of smaller but impactful changes, all to make your experience of the Difenda site that much better for you!

Here are 6 things we want you to know about our new website:

  1. You can begin your search for all of your cybersecurity needs on the new website homepage
  2. Unlock more value from Microsoft’s industry-leading cybersecurity solutions and grow your knowledge by visiting our brand new resource center
  3. Get a hands-on look at what you can achieve with the Difenda Shield powered by Microsoft 
  4. Meet our leadership team by visiting our new company pages
  5. Interested in a career in cybersecurity? Check out our new careers page
  6. Win a brand new Microsoft X-Box Series X

Rethinking the Difenda homepage to make it the best place to begin your search for all of your cybersecurity needs.

From the first click onto our website, you will experience the new and improved content and design. Featuring dropdown menus for both mobile and desktop versions, our new homepage has been redesigned to improve our visitor’s experience. 

Our homepage now offers a snapshot of our top product features and updates about how our Microsoft partnership is growing and deepening to better serve you. Be sure to check out our product reviews from current Difenda Shield customers so you can hear for yourself about our security solutions in action. Our dynamic homepage is now a more effective place to begin your search for all of your cybersecurity needs. 

Visit our new resource library to get real-time critical information on threats and ways to unlock more value out of Microsoft’s industry-leading cybersecurity solutions

We’ve created a brand new resource library giving you access to real time insider threat analysis, threat research, cybersecurity best practices, and guides to help you unlock more value out of Microsoft’s industry-leading cybersecurity solutions. 

You can easily navigate between different resources from product videos, whitepapers and ebooks to webinars and case studies. Can’t find a specific ebook or webinar? Type it out in our new search bar, to locate content by topic or product. With our new website configuration, valuable information is more readily accessible, so you’ll get more from a quick read. 

Visit our resource center

Get a hands-on look at Difenda Shield features

Since our Difenda Shield product line is at the heart of all we do, we’ve undergone a major makeover to the product pages. We now provide a detailed overview of some of the most important features including MDR, AVM, GRC, EDR, and Managed SIEM, with detailed, practical analysis of their capabilities and functions, along with product videos and screenshots. The section will continue to grow with product briefs, datasheets and video resources as they become available. 

Visitors to the Difenda Shield page will not only be able to see new product updates, but they can experience customer testimonials in order to understand how the products work in real environments. Prospective customers can also seamlessly book a demonstration to get a hands-on experience with our solutions more closely. 

Get to know us by visiting our new and improved company pages

For visitors who want to learn more about Difenda, our new and improved company section gives an overview of who we are, our leadership team and our latest news. We also have a new careers page, where future team members can browse current job openings and get an idea of what it’s like to work at Difenda.

Meet our team of experts

Launching cybersecurity threat alerts so you can know the threats that matter

The time is now! Level up your security program by signing up to receive threat intelligence directly from the front lines. Our threat intelligence comes from our team of security and intelligence analysts working in our 24/7/365 SOC centers located around the globe. In order to help our customers and prospects achieve the best security outcomes, we have made it our mission to arm you with unparalleled visibility and expertise into threats that matter to your business right now. 

But wait, there’s more! 

Haven’t seen the Difenda Shield in action? There has never been a better time to get a hands-on look at the outcomes you can achieve with the help of the shield powered by Microsoft. If you like and share our post plus attend a demo before March 1, 2022, you and your team members attending will be registered to win a brand new Microsoft X-Box Series X!

Enter to Win Here

Change the game with Difenda

In our quest to facilitate further expertise and change the game in cybersecurity, we are currently accepting high-caliber blog posts from industry leaders to build upon our current resources. Please refer to our submission guidelines if you would like to be a part of our cybersecurity solutions.

Our Microsoft Security Services