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Difenda Penetration Testing

Uncover Weaknesses In Your Security Network

Assess the security hygiene of your outward presence, including your perimeter devices, servers, applications, and encryption technology. Difenda’s Penetration Testing technology targets anything that is accessible from the Internet for potential security vulnerabilities.

Catching Vulnerabilities And Trapping Exploits

Penetration Tests aim to identify security weaknesses in networks, systems, and applications to improve your network’s security hygiene. Regularly testing your network enables you to gain key insights on vulnerabilities and your team to fix the problem. “75% of configured vulnerabilities went undetected according to Sans Institute. Why? Internal teams are limited by web application scanners and point and shoot (Pas) mode. You need to be conducting penetration tests regularly with a competent cybersecurity company to avoid this. But, not all Penetration Testing strategies are effective. Don’t risk choosing an ineffective penetration testing strategy that could cost you. Difenda will asses the security hygiene of your outward presence, including your perimeter devices, servers, applications, and encryption technology. We can target anything that is accessible from the Internet for potential security vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing Helps You Stay Compliant

Compliance is a significant motivator for most companies when it comes to expanding their cybersecurity programs with Penetration Testing. Depending on your industry, your company may need to stay in compliance with regulations like PCI DSS, HIPAA, or ISO 27001. The standards you need to follow will require your company to meet specific objectives, like regularly scheduled penetration testing and security audits. Difenda will ensure your security hygiene is up to par with these compliance regulations and more. Plus, we will issue a Security Certificate upon validating the identified vulnerabilities have been fixed within your network.

Benefits of Penetration Testing

  • An understanding of what exploitation techniques were possible against your target environment.
  • Detailed risk-based reporting.
  • Recommendations on how to resolve the issue.

Our Methodology

Difenda combines human expertise with automated tools, and artificial threat intelligence to ensure that we take a thorough, in-depth approach to find vulnerabilities in your network.

Identify Scope

Get started by connecting with a Difenda expert to define the scope of your penetration test.​ Scoping is the most important part of a penetration test. It paves the pathway to ensure you are checking the places your attackers know you are not looking at.

Project Kick-Off

Your dedicated Project Manager will organize the project kick-off call to introduce key business stakeholders and set timelines for project milestones. This will initiate ongoing meetings with your penetration testing team plus regular status reports to ensure effective communication throughout the whole process.

Deploy Test

Difenda uses threat modelling to customize exploitation and attack techniques that are appropriate for a specific target or application. Human expertise combined with automated penetration testing tools will ensure an in-depth approach to identifying security gaps.​

Data & Reporting

When testing is completed an Executive Report will be delivered highlighting any identified vulnerabilities for remediation. Difenda not only provides an understanding of what exploitation techniques were possible against a target environment but also provides detailed, risk-based reporting and recommendations on how to resolve the issue.

Retest (Optional)

We can be r-engaged to retest and will issue a Security Certificate upon validating the identified vulnerabilities have been fixed.

Tools & Certifications

Our cybersecurity security experts come armed with the relevant tools and credentials needed to discover unknown weaknesses in your environment. With these tools, Difenda has developed a unique security testing methodology aligned with industry best practices so you get the most out of your penetration test.
  • Port Scanners
  • Network-based Vulnerability Scanners
  • Host-based Vulnerability Scanners
  • Application Scanners
  • Web Application Assessment Proxy
  • NMAP
  • Metasploit
  • Wireshark
  • W3AF
  • John the Ripper (JTR)
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Certified Security Analyst (ECSA)
  • Certified Network Defender (CND)
  • Offensive Security Wireless Professional (OSWP)
  • Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Web Penetration Tester (EWPT)
  • Scrum Master Certified (SMC)
  • Pentest+
  • Comptia Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+)
  • Cybersecurity Analyst (CYSA+)
  • Security+

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Advanced Vulnerability Management (AVM)

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Sentinel Professional Services

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End to End Security Roadmap

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Identify Your Vulnerabilities Before Cybercriminals Do

Threat actors are looking for weaknesses inherent in systems to exploit for their gain. Our Penetration Testing experts will “hack your systems using specific techniques like social engineering, without doing any long-term damage. If your company’s defenses are too strong, cybercriminals will often look elsewhere for data. By simulating a cyber attack, you can better defend against real threat actors in the future.

Our Approach

  • Intelligence Gathering: Gather detailed information about internal or external environment.​
  • Threat Modeling​: Identify attack scenarios and associated risks based on environment information.
  • Vulnerability Analysis​: Systematically identify weaknesses in environment​.
  • Exploitation​: Conduct proof of concept exploitation of identified weaknesses​.
  • Post-Exploitation​: Identify and exploit privilege escalation vulnerabilities and pivot to other systems​.
  • Detailed Reporting​: Provide detailed reporting on findings along with risk rating, business impact & prioritized remediation recommendations.


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