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Microsoft Purview Professional Services

Put Synergy In Action To Maximize Your Microsoft Security Investment

Streamline and strengthen exchanges between data governance, compliance and security to reduce duplication of effort and improve overall efficiency.

The Importance Of Data Governance, Compliance, And Security Integration

Today, businesses are struggling to understand their business risks and and continuously strengthen their security posture. One of the main reasons for this is that data governance, compliance and security are often siloed. Lack of coordination and collaboration among these functions is challenging businesses with blind spots, missed threats, and gaps in security.

With Difenda’s Microsoft Purview Professional services, we help businesses use data to understand their business risks and continuously strengthen their security posture. Enabling you to streamline security maturity and make faster business decisions pragmatically. Streamlining these processes reduces duplication of effort, and improves overall efficiency, leading to better data quality, increased security, and compliance.


Enable The Information Governance Tools You Already Own With Microsoft Purview


As an early and leading innovator in supporting solutions available within Microsoft Purview we leverage a Microsoft Advanced Specialization in Information Protection.


A worldwide leader in providing advisory services for digital management solutions, and we are a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Security. We help organizations overcome the checkbox approach to risk and compliance with comprehensive data.


Streamline and optimize your entire system to achieve strategic goals and enhance overall business performance. Difenda specializes in Microsoft Sentinel, the Defender ecosystem and Microsoft Purview deployments.


Transforming Businesses With Data-Driven Insights

Leverage a cohesive set of tools and technologies that work seamlessly together, providing end-to-end security coverage across the entire Microsoft Security Suite.

Microsoft Purview acts as a central hub that integrates and orchestrates the various security solutions within the Microsoft ecosystem. Deploying and optimizing Microsoft Purview with Difenda creates a holistic view of your security posture by consolidating and analyzing security data from multiple sources. This integrated approach allows for better visibility, threat detection, and incident response, as security events and alerts are correlated and analyzed collectively.

Get comprehensive insights into your business risk and an understanding of all your data assets.

Microsoft Purview promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing around data assets. With Difenda you can drive a deeper understanding of the data, facilitate data-driven discussions, and improve the quality of data used in decision-making processes.

By automatically scanning, cataloging, and indexing data assets across various sources, both on-premises and in the cloud, Difenda and Microsoft Purview create a centralized and searchable catalogue that includes metadata, data lineage, and relationships between different data assets.

Eliminate the complexities of dealing with multiple vendors and disjointed support channels. Leverage a single point of contact for all your Microsoft Security technology.

Get a holistic view of your security ecosystem, ensuring better coordination, integration, and alignment of Microsoft security solutions. Using one vendor with end-to-end solutions improves communication and responsiveness, and enhances the overall customer experience. With one dedicated contact, customers can efficiently address their concerns, receive timely assistance, and leverage expert guidance for maximizing the effectiveness of Microsoft Security technology and services. This consolidated approach fosters a strong partnership, promotes efficiency, and allows you to focus on your core business while maintaining robust security defences.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Trusted by Microsoft Customers

Information Protection & Governance FAQ

What Is The Difference Between Information Security And Data Governance?
Information security and data governance are both important aspects of managing and protecting data within an organization, but they have different focuses.

Information security focuses on protecting data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction. It involves the use of technology, policies, and procedures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Information security aims to protect against cyber threats.

Data governance, on the other hand, is the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of data. It involves creating policies, procedures, and standards for data management, defining data ownership and accountability, and ensuring compliance with regulations and standards. Data governance aims to ensure that data is used effectively and efficiently, and that it is protected throughout its lifecycle.

How Does Microsoft Purview Govern Your Data?

Microsoft Purview allows organizations to discover, classify, and manage their data assets, making it easier to govern data in compliance with regulations and policies.

It does this by providing tools for data discovery, classification, and mapping, which can help identify sensitive data and ensure that it’s properly protected. The technology also supports data lineage tracking and automated data cataloging, which can help organizations understand the context and relationships between their data assets.

What Can You Protect By Using The Information Protection Solution In Microsoft Purview?

Microsoft Purview’s information protection solution can help protect sensitive data and intellectual property by providing automated classification and labelling of data, applying persistent protection to files. With Microsoft Purview, organizations can protect sensitive information such as financial data, intellectual property, personal identifiable information (PII), and sensitive business information from unauthorized access, disclosure, and misuse. It can also help organizations comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.