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Beyond Silos: Achieving Seamless Security Operations with Advanced Information Protection

A Q&A on the crawl, walk, run approach to managing insider risk. 

Watch It On Demand

This Q&A will help you turn alert overload from Microsoft Purview into streamlined security efficiency with a step-by-step roadmap for integrating information protection and security operations. 

Watch the webinar recording now!

Move Beyond Silos and Put #SynergyInAction

 The integration of Microsoft Purview, information protection and security operations, represents the next generation of cybersecurity defense. This isn’t just a trend; it’s the direction the entire industry is moving. By taking the first step today, you position your organization not just to respond to emerging threats, but to proactively shape a secure, resilient future.

The future of cybersecurity is here, and the opportunity to lead is yours.

Leverage Insider Knowledge

Gain exclusive insights from leading cybersecurity experts who have not just navigated the complexities of alert overload but have transformed this challenge into an opportunity for unparalleled efficiency and protection.

Enhance Security Posture

Discover how integrating Microsoft Purview with your security operations can significantly elevate your organization's overall security posture, providing comprehensive visibility and control over data protection and compliance.

Strategic Alignment and ROI

Learn how integrating data protection and security operations is not just effective but also fully compliant, aligning with strategic goals around risk management and regulatory compliance.

Strengthen Data Governance, Compliance

and Security with Epiq Global and Difenda; Two of Microsoft

Security’s Top Partners.

Together, Difenda and Epiq are delivering the first-ever all-in-one solution powered by the Microsoft Security ecosystem of products that helps customers align managed security services to compliance and data governance needs—without having to sacrifice additional budget or more of their time.

The result is enhanced security maturity that matches your business’s unique security risks and compliance requirements.