There is no doubt that cyber security is on the forefront of people’s minds. From the very visible attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure, to businesses across the globe that are suffering at the hands of nefarious attackers, companies want to know that their data and their platforms are safe. Microsoft, a leader in the world’s cybersecurity, recently hosted a dynamic webinar to discuss the cybersecurity challenges the world is facing, as well as to discuss new Microsoft products that will take security to a higher level. Difenda had a front row seat to the webinar, as our client’s security is always our number one priority.  

Current Landscape 

There is no doubt that cyber attacks, especially those on ransomware, continue to put corporate landscapes at risk. Companies are losing countless hours of productive work time and huge chunks of revenue in order to right their ship after these calamitous events.  According to Vasu Jakkal, Corporate Vice President Security, Compliance, and Identity at Microsoft, over six trillion dollars is spent each year to fight cybercrime, and the number is expected to top ten trillion by 2025.

Read our Global Cyberthreat Advisory: Russia’s Attack On Ukraine

Microsoft’s vision for the future 

Microsoft is committed to meeting this crisis head-on, and will prioritize the security needs of their customers. One critical issue is that company infrastructures have often been built over a time span of months and years, and through many acquisitions. These infrastructures now contain a myriad of clouds, platforms, and applications. Microsoft has created a security ecosystem to encircle each company’s entire cyber environment, in order to keep each part safe.

“Customers have complex infrastures that are built over a long period of time. When you think about the security of these structures, multi-cloud is really important, or there will be seams. It requires an ecosystem, Charlie Bell, Executive Vice President, Security, Compliance, Identity and Management, said. 

Defend your assets with Defender Cloud

To that end, Microsoft is launching new products and services that will keep its customers more safe and secure. Defender Cloud recently upgraded the security effectiveness for multi-cloud, and to enhance Google Cloud Platform environmental support. With this move, Microsoft becomes the only provider that offers cloud protection across the top three cloud supports: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and now Google Cloud Platform. At once customers will have more holistic access to all of their environments, as well as the ability to control all of their identities and permissions. Defender Cloud uncovers vulnerabilities across multiple platforms in order to protect companies no matter how many users and infrastructure connections they have. This system both strengthens the defense across multi-cloud and hybrid uses, and reduces complexity. 

Grant permission carefully with Cloud Knox

Another important way Microsoft can keep businesses safe is with their new Cloud Knox application, which investigates permission usage data, and then utilizes only the permissions that are imperative in day-to-day operations, removing any risky or unnecessary permissions. This program enables Zero Trust Security through least privilege access in Microsoft Azure, as it exposes, right-sizes, and oversees all access and privileges. 

Utilize Sentinel to sift through large data stores

Finally, Microsoft is focusing on the large amount of data that companies are currently juggling. Microsoft reports that 76% of organizations have witnessed their log data growing exponentially. Microsoft Sentinel is integrating new capabilities so that companies can search across long time spans in large datasets. Sentinel also is broadening their multi-cloud strategy, as they enrich the capabilities of searching for evidence of attacks, and doing it in a more cost-effective way. 

Let Difenda help you design and implement your Azure Sentinel via our Rapid Coverâ„¢. This 2 week engagement will help you kick off your future with the Sentinel platform. Get more information here.

Difenda takes the fear out of running your business

Difenda is proud to partner with Microsoft, who takes cybersecurity so seriously and innovates around-the-clock to make the world safer. Microsoft understands that infrastructure is often created in a piecemeal fashion, but must be protected holistically. They also work hard to safeguard permissions, so no miscreants can sneak in the back door. Lastly, they are diligent in innovating new strategies to deal with the log jam of log data that many companies experience. Let Difenda and Microsoft furnish your company with these new defense strategies, so you can spend your time running your business instead of running in fear.

Find out what’s included in our Difenda Shield product demo!